Legal terms


Svend Engelunds Vej 24, 9000 Aalborg
Registration CVR-nr 34218374

Publishing directors

Philippe CAMPOS

Website hosting, design and development

Hello Code
20 Allée Henry Purcell
42000 Saint-Étienne


All elements of the website, in particular texts, presentations, illustrations, photographs, tree structures and layouts are, except for public documents and additional details, the exclusive intellectual property of NEXT WAY DANMARK ApS or its partners.
As such, their representations, reproductions, imbrications, distributions and redistributions, whether partial or total, are prohibited in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Any person who does so without being able to prove prior and express authorisation from the holder of these rights is liable to the penalties relating to the offence of counterfeiting provided for in the Intellectual Property Code.
In addition, any representation, reproduction, imbrication, distribution or redistribution, in whole or in part, of the database contained on the website is prohibited under the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.
In any event, on any authorised copy of all or part of the content of the site, the words “Copyright NEXT WAY DANMARK ApS all rights reserved” or “Copyright NEXT WAY TRAINING all rights reserved” must appear.


The brands and logos contained in the website are registered by NEXT WAY DANMARK ApS, or possibly by one of its partners.
As such, any person proceeding to their representations, reproductions, imbrications, distributions and rebroadcasts incurs the sanctions provided for in the Intellectual Property Code.

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